Tuesday, January 27, 2009


PDI headline today, – 200,000 layoffs feared.

Since November, we hear of news of mass layoffs everyday. And everyday, the figures seem to double in number. They say, it will even get worse.

As a former employee myself, I cannot help but commiserate with those who have lost their jobs, or live in fear of losing it. Currently, as an employer, I cannot bear to think of a lay-off, not now, not ever.

It bothered me so much that I called my husband Eric this morning at 5am (3pm on his side of the world) to talk about this. He said that unlike in the past, when every new year would make us think of the best to come, we should put on instead, what we call a “game face”. My orders, so to speak (he is my boss, after all) was to exhaust all means possible to ensure that no one will lose his/her job.

Like most SME ‘s, ours is in a survival mode. While most cut down – on everyone and everything, we do get by, and well on our limited resources. We fared better than most, because we are small and flexible. Our staff is first and foremost loyal to their job, and not to the company alone– we like it that way - if they do not work well, there will be no company. We all take it to heart that no one gets left behind, and in the same light, everybody must sacrifice as and when needed. On that alone, not one will lose a job.

Eric who is doing his (larger) part, at a (literally) great distance - had this to say to me – Don’t look at the number of people in our payroll, consider also the members of their family who depend on them. That are the numbers (to take care of). But if you want the number of people you are responsible for.. it is what we have now (in our care) and the others we can hire when we create opportunities for employment.

When the numbers add up, they can be daunting.

So a “game face” isn’t enough, now I have to put on a “thinking cap”.

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