Sunday, February 1, 2009

Proud Mom

I beg your indulgence. Allow me to share with you a piece my son, Gabriel wrote sometime in September. They were asked to write an autobiography as part of his - application to the Ateneo de Manila High School. (where you have to write what your future plans are)...I kept a photocopy of his handwritten draft for posterity.

For some, it may be simple, but like any Mom, i am so proud of his earnest efforts....

As written by Gabriel in full.......

The Autobiography of Gabriel Arcangelo K. de Dios

I am the firstborn son of Eric and Tina de Dios. I was baptized at the height of a raging storm on Septemebr 30, 1995 by Fr. Tom Arackal at the Parish of the Holy Sacrifice in UP Diliman. Most of the guests could not make it, but the few who were able to come recall that day not because of the bad weather but recall, with humor, attending the baptism of a boy named Gabriel the Archangel of God.

To most people, I have a special name. My parents made me special by giving me a name i have to live up to. They say that it is through my name that they have offered me, their son to the Lord. I am to most, an ordinary and regular guy because i am simple in words, in thoughts and in actions. I am simple but i have a great plan to be of service to others through my god-given talents.

I am an artist. Even as early as nursery, i loved to draw. I scribbled things that according to others were different. It was not beautiful and others couldn't tell what it is. I sometimes also do not know what it is. I only know that it meant something to me. I drew from my heart. I drew when i was happy. I drew when i was sad. I drew when i could not say the things I felt in words. It felt good to draw. I felt happy when others noticed that what i was doing and appreciated it.

I am a techie. I learned to use the computer early because my parents exposed me to it as early as 2 years old by giving me educational materials to learn the alphabet and numbers. I love computers! I am lucky that my parents provide me with the latest gadgets and gizmos for my hobby. I have advanced technical skills compared to others. I learned a lot of programs on my own, like Flash Animation. I have published works in an animation site where my work has a following both here and abroad. I am very happy that through my talent and capabilities i am able to indulge in my two loves - Art and Computer.

I plan to pursue a profession as an animator or visual artist. My parents encourage me to become one. I also plan to make this a business so that i can share to others my talent and also develop others like me. I want to teach good morals and values through my work as a visual artist - in my animation, cartoons and other ways i can communicate. It is a simple way but a great and effective way to preach and help change the lives of others for the better. Like what i have learned in my Ateneo education, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

Like my namesake, Gabriel the Arcangel of God, I too, the simple Gab will in the future be the bearer of good news. That is my great plan.

1 comment:

  1. This is just what they say "nakakataba ng puso" and Gab is not even my son.
    Eric and Tina, you are greatly privileged to have inculcated the right values and foresight to Gab as revealed in this autobiography.
    That alone, you have done well!

    #304 Vine Villas
