Friday, January 8, 2016


It is dreadfully cold where I am now.

It takes so much of dressing to keep warm, even indoors with the heater on.  My OOTD (outfit-of-the-day)  is the hood-rat look. Pajamas, 2 shirts, a house duster over it, a robe, a hoodie, socks, fluffy slippers. My fashion peg is just grab whatever it is you can find that will add heat.  This also applies to going outdoors -- everything and anything - if I could I would my comforter  just to keep warm.   It boggles my mind HOW others looks so fabulously-smashingly-put-together -- winterized color-coordinated-fashion-forward-everything-spot-on because in MY reality its never gonna be like that.  Mine is mismatched and misfired.

Hair.  The upside is that I don't need to wash my hair daily.  3-4 times a week is damaging in itself.  I love it that you get to do all sorts of styles with your hair -- pony, the upswept, bedhead, clamp-it-up and still look fabulous - only because no one really has well coiffed hair. Even if you wear a Tiara to dazzle up the drab do or have your hair standing on end because of static no one notices no one judges,

Skin  - face and body needs major buttering up. There is so much  (dry) skin shedding this season, it takes the place of dust around the house.   Your face is so tight - there is a constant fear that it will tear up where the wrinkles are.  You wake up and barely want to wash off  your sleep for the damage it will do you end up going back to bed (that is the winter-plus).   Time and budget is required to meet the basics.  You also need to re-arrange your house as the bare essentials of potions will need its own walk-in cabinet.

Wardrobe.  Currently limited to 2 colors - Black and Black.  And so is my  footwear, down to 4 - sneakers, dress boots, winter boots and galoshes.  Headgear  - I have bonnets, toques, bands, ear muffs.   Gloves are also "classified" - for driving (better have a good grip on the wheel as you need a different set of driving skills just to arrive alive); dressy, leather, nylon and the life saving sub-zero grade.  Socks - this is the most disposable item -  I need to own at least 3 dozens to survive the season because of lost, mismatched and the dreaded hole in the toe.  I also need a wide assortment of scarves to go with the temperature as well as the dexterity to tie them 1000 knot ways - I thank You tube videos for that.

Weight.  Oh  my Lord !!!!!!  Its biting cold, so you want to bite back with food.  You are ALWAYS hungry.  Enough said. Change topic.