Tuesday, January 27, 2009


PDI headline today, – 200,000 layoffs feared.

Since November, we hear of news of mass layoffs everyday. And everyday, the figures seem to double in number. They say, it will even get worse.

As a former employee myself, I cannot help but commiserate with those who have lost their jobs, or live in fear of losing it. Currently, as an employer, I cannot bear to think of a lay-off, not now, not ever.

It bothered me so much that I called my husband Eric this morning at 5am (3pm on his side of the world) to talk about this. He said that unlike in the past, when every new year would make us think of the best to come, we should put on instead, what we call a “game face”. My orders, so to speak (he is my boss, after all) was to exhaust all means possible to ensure that no one will lose his/her job.

Like most SME ‘s, ours is in a survival mode. While most cut down – on everyone and everything, we do get by, and well on our limited resources. We fared better than most, because we are small and flexible. Our staff is first and foremost loyal to their job, and not to the company alone– we like it that way - if they do not work well, there will be no company. We all take it to heart that no one gets left behind, and in the same light, everybody must sacrifice as and when needed. On that alone, not one will lose a job.

Eric who is doing his (larger) part, at a (literally) great distance - had this to say to me – Don’t look at the number of people in our payroll, consider also the members of their family who depend on them. That are the numbers (to take care of). But if you want the number of people you are responsible for.. it is what we have now (in our care) and the others we can hire when we create opportunities for employment.

When the numbers add up, they can be daunting.

So a “game face” isn’t enough, now I have to put on a “thinking cap”.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I promised to keep my blog entry to only 2 posts a day (lest you think that is all i do). But i can't help myself.

I just received a call on my mobile from a very dear friend..

After the usual niceties..this is how it went..down to brass tacks..

"Oi.. Diva (her way of annoying me) may blog-blog ka pa ngayon"
"You know naman pala to write" she said,
"I just wanted something to do to break the monotony..blah..blah..blah..." i said.
"And ano naman about you using Augustina? bakit big deal?"
"Eh gusto ko eh"
"I feel right about it..bagay ng gamitin...1961 pa yan"
"Di bagay sa iyo.. Augustina??!!
"Wala ka naman pedigree.." obviously, a dig.
"Ano ka..feeling like...XXXXXXXXXX (mentions a very accomplished contemporary who truly deserves to use her distinguished name and hyphenate all names - born and married to - that reeks money, success and respect)
"Of course not!" I answer.

"Ay naku! ...I know you!!! I know where that's coming from... and for what purpose" she says in her usual endearing sarcastic way..
"Ano?!" .......

Expecting some psycho-babble crap....
"Para malaman nila na August ang Birthday mo!"


I never liked my name Augustina.
I always went by the name of Tina.
I have always used and been known as Tina.
Only official documents bear my full name, and if i can avoid it, would default to Tina.

Since the first day, work day that is, of 2009, I started using Augustina in all correspondences and written documents. I have officially announced to my staff that i will not sign anything that doesn't bear my full name. I decided to do so because my astrological-numerology chart says, I should. So i did.

Its really more difficult than its seems. For one, whenever i do use it, people react - the usual ones would be.. surprised (that's your REAL name?), quizzical (why ONLY now?), curious (whats the story behind that UNUSUAL name), amused (Is that YOU?, really now). So as not to expend my energy trying (or convincing them the why's and what "fors") to explain the change, i came up with a cookie-cutter answer...i say, because my name now is "Age-appropriate", which again, further leads to more questions.. "Meaning..." and i answer.. "At 47, Augustina seems more dignified".. end of the third-degree.

But the real story behind it (though i should say that lately, i am starting to believe my press/public release of being age-appropriate.. is that according to my cosmic stars, using my full name will attract positive vibes/energy. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope my stars are right. I should say that as early as now, it did bring some good surprises. I would like to believe that its not only some astral force that bring forth all the graces, but that accepting your name (I didnt say, I like it, that will take MORE time) is a way of opening yourself to all that you where meant to be.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Three B's

At the dinner table tonight over a meal of Chicken Tinola :
"Ma..Raf said you started a blog".. my 13-year old son Gabriel sternly said
"Yup, i did"
"Because i want to write"
"Really? about what ?"
"Anything i feel like writing about.."
"Whats the URL Ma?"
"Kuya, its ThreeBees.blogspot.com" Raf joins in.
"Oh yeah?!!"
Pregnant pause, then Gab blurts out..
"Oh i get it... that stands for.. Blah..Bleh..Bleep?!!!!!!"

Raf and Gab does a high five..
I choked.
They laughed.
I love my sons.

"Yeah, right"

It took me almost a week to decide whether or not i will start a Blog.

I have been in-and-out of the site, contemplating on whether or not i should. And when i finally decided i will, i was momentarily stumped.. What should I call my Blog?? This, i did not give much thought (unlike which profile picture to put :-). I just gave in to my feelings..and when i did get one, my 9-year old son (he sits here beside me, as i write my first entry) Rafael, says..

" Why? Blissful, Blessed and Bountiful Ma??!!! " .. and i answer, "because thats exactly what i feel.." He gives me a dagger-look, and says.."yeah, right".. so with that semi-mocking encouragement.. a bone-crushing bear hug, and a very, very wet kiss ..

I start my first-ever Blog.