Monday, January 26, 2009


I never liked my name Augustina.
I always went by the name of Tina.
I have always used and been known as Tina.
Only official documents bear my full name, and if i can avoid it, would default to Tina.

Since the first day, work day that is, of 2009, I started using Augustina in all correspondences and written documents. I have officially announced to my staff that i will not sign anything that doesn't bear my full name. I decided to do so because my astrological-numerology chart says, I should. So i did.

Its really more difficult than its seems. For one, whenever i do use it, people react - the usual ones would be.. surprised (that's your REAL name?), quizzical (why ONLY now?), curious (whats the story behind that UNUSUAL name), amused (Is that YOU?, really now). So as not to expend my energy trying (or convincing them the why's and what "fors") to explain the change, i came up with a cookie-cutter answer...i say, because my name now is "Age-appropriate", which again, further leads to more questions.. "Meaning..." and i answer.. "At 47, Augustina seems more dignified".. end of the third-degree.

But the real story behind it (though i should say that lately, i am starting to believe my press/public release of being age-appropriate.. is that according to my cosmic stars, using my full name will attract positive vibes/energy. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope my stars are right. I should say that as early as now, it did bring some good surprises. I would like to believe that its not only some astral force that bring forth all the graces, but that accepting your name (I didnt say, I like it, that will take MORE time) is a way of opening yourself to all that you where meant to be.

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